Piloting Health

Answering the Web's Most Searched Questions About Stem Cells

Dr. Robert Hariri

For this episode, I decided to have a little fun and see what the most asked questions on Google searches were about stem cells.  As the placenta is my world, I also looked up some of the questions people are Google searching about placental stem cells.

What people are searching for is pretty interesting.  Questions ranged from aging to the legalities - and even hair loss.  If you're curious about stem cells at all, and what they may be capable of, this is the episode for you.

In this episode, I'll answer:

➡️ Do stem cells grow back?

➡️ How are placental stem cells collected?

➡️ Do stem cells have DNA?

➡️ Why are stem cells banned in the USA? (They're not, but I explain why people ask.)

➡️ Do stem cells help with hair loss?

➡️ Do stem cells cause cancer?

➡️ Do stem cell supplements really work?

And more!

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