Piloting Health
Piloting Health, hosted by Bob Hariri M.D., Ph.D., is a new tool to help educate inform and excite you about the breakthroughs that are happening in biotechnology. Particularly around focuses like cellular and regenerative medicine, analytics, bioinformatics and data science. This is a new evolution in what we can do to treat serious diseases and also enhance the quality of your life as you age. Looking forward to having you board for the flight.
23 episodes
The 5 Biomarkers of Heart Disease May Surprise You
We've been told for years by doctors to watch our cholesterol. Cereals have become synonymous with breakfast and often boast being "healthy" or at least part of a nutritious diet. There are certain "givens" that have pervaded the he...
Season 1
Episode 23

Your Own Personal Biological Bank Account
We store our financial assets in a bank; should we be storing our biological assets as well? This episode's guest and I think so. This week's episode was filmed on location at Peter Diamandis' A360 event and features returning pod g...
Season 1
Episode 22

Ozempic and the Effects of Caloric Restriction
Why do drugs like Ozempic work? In this episode of Piloting Health, Dr. Frank Dos Santos joins me once again for an in-depth look at the most talked-about drugs on the market right now: GLP-1 agonists.We break down exactly why the drugs...
Season 1
Episode 21

How to Win the War on Serious Disease
Do the secrets to combatting disease already reside within our own bodies? We rely heavily on vaccines for serious disease, but this week's guest talks about the power of unleashing our own immune system.Lou Reese is the Board Chai...
Season 1
Episode 20

Creating Life's Operating System
Have we created an operating system for life? How close are we to cloning humans, and what would that even look like? You're in for a fascinating episode as the line between science and science fiction gets blurred. My guest i...
Season 1
Episode 19

From Stem Cell Therapy to Hormone Therapy, the Future is Now!
What if you had access to your own healthy stem cells, but from a version of you 20, 30 or even 60 years earlier? Stem cells that had the potential to fight diseases you're current self is dealing with... or with skin restoration... or ha...
Season 1
Episode 18

Observing High and Low Performance in the World Around Us
The subject of physical and cognitive performance is what everyone is talking about right now. Maybe not overtly, but the headlines grabbing the news are the Olympics in Paris, and President Joe Biden ending his campaign for re-election. ...
Season 1
Episode 17

How to Maintain High Performance As You Age
How do you maintain high cognitive, physical and emotional performance as you age? In this second of a two-part episode with Dr. Frank Dos Santos, we talk best practices for doing just that, from everyday habits to finding cutting edge th...
Season 1
Episode 16

Why Medicine Needs To Focus On Prevention
How much is it costing us to wait until illness or disease before taking action? And when should people begin preventative screening?In this first of a two-part episode with Dr. Frank Dos Santos, we dive into some of the fl...
Season 1
Episode 15

How Regenerative Therapy Combats Specific Diseases
We've talked a lot about the opportunities and possibilities of how regenerative therapies can work, so today I wanted to get into the nuts and bolts how it all works.In this episode, we'll be discussing:➡️ Inflammation and how it...
Season 1
Episode 14

Your Newborn's Stem Cells Could Heal Them Years From Now
The type of stem cell matters. There's no question that cells taken from the blood of the placenta or umbilical cord immediately after a pregnancy are going to have the greatest capacity for therapeutic use. The therapeutic use of mesenchymal s...

Maintaining Youthful Aesthetics
Last week, I talked about the four pillars of healthy aging. Last on the list - but definitely not least - was youthful aesthetics. Stem cells can have a tremendous impact on the health of our skin. We're seeing it with regard to th...
Season 1
Episode 12

The Four Pillars of Healthy Aging
I often talk about what I consider to be the four pillars of health aging:➡️ High Performance Mobility➡️ High Performance Cognitive Function➡️ High Performance Immune Function➡️ Youthful AestheticsIn this epis...

Answering the Web's Most Searched Questions About Stem Cells
For this episode, I decided to have a little fun and see what the most asked questions on Google searches were about stem cells. As the placenta is my world, I also looked up some of the questions people are Google searching about placent...

How Stem Cells Were Used To Help Treat Leukemia
This was a particularly personal episode for me. My guests are Mary Webb and her son, Quentin Murray. Quentin - diagnosed 17 years ago with Leukemia - was one of the first recipients of cell therapy derived from the placenta. I got ...

Is Growing Human Bone the Future of Skeletal Repair
We may not be far off from the end of hip and knee replacements, at least if this week's guest has anything to say about it. Nina Tandon is the co-founder and CEO of EpiBone, a biotech company that grows bone and cartilage for skeletal reconstr...
Season 1
Episode 8

Why We're Losing the War on Cancer
Why are we so far away from finding a cure for different types of cancer? Do tests run on mice have any relevance to the efficacy on people? Is the medical community getting it all wrong and where has cancer treatment failed the patient?
Season 1
Episode 7

The Secret To Delaying Aging
Let's explore aging, and what some of the advances in the delay - and someday even reversal - of aging could entail. It's interesting, but the biology of aging mirrors the biology of cancer. As we learn more about the advances in th...
Season 1
Episode 6

Will This Revolutionize Healthcare?
Every day, hospitals are literally throwing away a treasure trove of natural resources that have potential life-saving possibilities. I'm talking about the placenta, and the placental stem cells contained within. What makes pl...

How To Be The CEO Of Your Own Health
"The health insurance model, the hospital model, the doctor's office model is all predicated on the sicker you are, the more money the system makes. And right now we don't pay doctors to keep you healthy unless you are fortunate enough that you...
Season 1
Episode 4

A Cellular Approach to Age-Related Diseases
What is the root cause of many age-related diseases? Cellular senescence happens when a healthy, functioning cell ceases to divide, but doesn’t die. Senescent cells can accumulate, and their synthetic behavior can become erratic. As they ...
Season 1
Episode 3

Does Medicine Have It Wrong? | Dr. Mark Hyman
In this episode, Dr. Mark Hyman comes aboard to discuss the current state of medicine and what it may be getting wrong. Dr. Mark Hyman is a practicing physician and an internationally recognized leader, speaker, educator, and advo...
Season 1
Episode 2