Piloting Health

How to Win the War on Serious Disease

Dr. Robert Hariri Season 1 Episode 20

Do the secrets to combatting disease already reside within our own bodies?  We rely heavily on vaccines for serious disease, but this week's guest talks about the power of unleashing our own immune system.

Lou Reese is the Board Chair and Co-Founder - along with his wife Mei Mei - of Vaxxinity, a company that focuses on active immunity medicines. I had the opportunity sit down with Lou for a pop-up podcast at a recent Abundance Platinum conference hosted by Peter Diamandis, at which Lou and I were both speaking. You'll notice the hotel ballroom curtain background.

In this episode, we connect the dots between medical science and social science, discussing not just the incredible breakthroughs that Lou and his team are working on, but also finding your purpose and even setting examples for your children. 

To follow the work at Vaxxinity:

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