Piloting Health
Piloting Health, hosted by Bob Hariri M.D., Ph.D., is a new tool to help educate inform and excite you about the breakthroughs that are happening in biotechnology. Particularly around focuses like cellular and regenerative medicine, analytics, bioinformatics and data science. This is a new evolution in what we can do to treat serious diseases and also enhance the quality of your life as you age. Looking forward to having you board for the flight.
Piloting Health
The 5 Biomarkers of Heart Disease May Surprise You
We've been told for years by doctors to watch our cholesterol. Cereals have become synonymous with breakfast and often boast being "healthy" or at least part of a nutritious diet.
There are certain "givens" that have pervaded the health and nutrition space for decades. But what if they're not true? Or only partially true?
In this interview with Dr. George Shapiro, the Chief Medical Innovation Officer at Fountain Life, we explore some of the common thinking people have around heart disease and health. Dr. Shapiro breaks down the five biomarkers for arterial plaque and they're not necessarily what you'd think. When you think of diet and exercise to become healthy, what kind of diet and what types of exercise come to mind? You might be surprised by what types actually reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
As always, consult your physician before any significant changes to your diet or exercise routine, but this episode should give you some “food” for thought the next time you’re at the grocery store or the gym. Enjoy the episode!
Follow Dr. Shapiro here: https://www.instagram.com/drgeorgeshapiro/
Learn more about Fountain Life here: https://www.fountainlife.com/
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